
Agent vs. Agentless ITAM: Unveiling the Pros and Cons

Ashwani Paliwal
August 1, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of IT asset management (ITAM), organizations face the crucial decision of selecting the right approach: agent-based or agentless. Both methodologies offer unique benefits and drawbacks, making it essential to understand their nuances. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between agent and agentless ITAM, shedding light on their respective pros and cons.

Agent-based ITAM

Agent-based ITAM relies on deploying software agents on individual endpoints within an organization's network. These agents are responsible for collecting data and transmitting it to a centralized management system. Let's delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


  1. Comprehensive Data Collection: Agents installed on endpoints enable in-depth data collection, providing detailed information on hardware and software assets, usage patterns, and configurations. This level of granularity allows organizations to gain a holistic view of their IT infrastructure.
  2. Real-time Tracking: Agents continuously monitor endpoints, providing real-time updates on software installations, updates, and usage. This information facilitates accurate license management, software compliance, and effective vulnerability management.
  3. Offline Capabilities: Agent-based solutions can operate even when endpoints are not connected to the network. This feature proves particularly useful for remote workers or devices that are frequently offline, ensuring asset visibility in all scenarios.


  1. Deployment Complexity: Implementing agents on every endpoint can be a laborious and time-consuming task, especially in large-scale environments. Managing updates, configurations, and troubleshooting agent-related issues may require additional resources and expertise.
  2. Resource Consumption: Agents consume system resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. In resource-constrained environments or older systems, this can impact overall performance, leading to slower machines and potential user dissatisfaction.
  3. Compatibility Challenges: Some legacy systems or specialized devices may not support the installation of agents, limiting the scope of asset visibility. Ensuring compatibility across a diverse IT infrastructure can pose a significant challenge.

Agentless ITAM

Agentless ITAM operates without installing any software agents on endpoints. Instead, it leverages existing infrastructure and protocols to gather asset information remotely. Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


  1. Simplified Deployment: Agentless ITAM eliminates the need for deploying and maintaining software agents, making it quicker and easier to implement. Organizations can reduce overhead costs associated with agent management, updates, and troubleshooting.
  2. Reduced Resource Consumption: Since no agents are installed, endpoint resources are not impacted, resulting in minimal performance degradation. This aspect makes agentless ITAM suitable for environments with resource limitations or older hardware.
  3. Broad Compatibility: By relying on standard protocols such as SNMP, WMI, or SSH, agentless solutions can collect data from a wide range of devices, including network switches, routers, servers, and virtual machines. This ensures comprehensive asset visibility across the entire IT infrastructure.


  1. Limited Granularity: Agentless ITAM may provide less detailed information compared to agent-based solutions. It may lack certain data points such as software usage metrics or detailed hardware configurations, limiting the ability to perform comprehensive audits or optimize asset utilization.
  2. Delayed Updates: Without real-time monitoring, agentless ITAM may not provide immediate visibility into software installations, updates, or changes. This delay could impact license management, compliance, and security posture.
  3. Network Dependency: Agentless solutions rely on network connectivity to access and gather data from endpoints. Any network disruptions or latency issues could affect the accuracy and timeliness of asset information.

Agent vs. Agentless. Which is one to choose?

The question of whether agent-based or agentless ITAM is better is subjective and depends on the specific requirements and constraints of an organization. Both approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses, as discussed earlier. Let's summarize the factors that can influence the choice between the two:

Choose Agent-based ITAM if:

  1. Granular Data Collection is Crucial: If your organization requires detailed information on software usage, hardware configurations, and user behavior, agent-based ITAM provides a more comprehensive view of your IT assets.
  2. Real-time Monitoring is Essential: Real-time updates on software installations, updates, and usage patterns are critical for effective license management, compliance, and security. Agent-based solutions excel in providing immediate visibility into endpoint activities.
  3. Offline Asset Tracking is Necessary: If your organization has remote workers or endpoints frequently operating offline, agent-based solutions can track assets even when they are not connected to the network.

Choose Agentless ITAM if:

  1. Simplified Deployment is a Priority: If you have limited resources, time, or expertise to deploy and manage software agents on every endpoint, agentless ITAM offers a quicker and easier implementation process.
  2. Resource Constraints are a Concern: In environments with older hardware or limited system resources, agentless ITAM minimizes the impact on endpoint performance as it doesn't consume CPU, memory, or network bandwidth like agent-based solutions.
  3. Wide Device and Network Coverage is Required: Agentless ITAM relies on standard protocols to gather asset information, allowing compatibility with a diverse range of devices such as network switches, routers, servers, and virtual machines. It provides broader coverage across the entire IT infrastructure.


The choice between agent-based and agentless ITAM depends on an organization's specific requirements, infrastructure complexity, and resource constraints. Agent-based solutions offer comprehensive data collection and real-time monitoring but can be more complex to deploy and resource-intensive. On the other hand, agentless ITAM simplifies deployment, reduces resource consumption, and ensures broad compatibility but sacrifices granular visibility and real-time updates. By evaluating these pros and cons, organizations can make an informed decision and implement the most suitable ITAM approach for their unique needs.

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