

SecOps Solution

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Rapid7 delivers good performance but falls short in areas crucial to speed and simplicity. Unlike Rapid7, which lacks built-in patch management and relies on third-party tools, SecOps Solution offers an integrated, user-friendly platform for both vulnerability scanning and patching. With faster scanning times, fewer false positives, and automated patch management policies, SecOps Solution helps businesses reduce complexity and boost efficiency—ensuring fast, accurate results without the steep learning curve.
SecOps Solution
Ease of Setup

Extremely easy, takes minutes to configure and start delivering value.

Tedious setup process.

Configuration Time

Minimal, quick setup and configuration.

Lengthy, customers reported taking 2 months to 8 months for full setup.

Agent Less Capability
SaaS and On-Premise Support
Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanning

A full-fledged enterprise Vulnerability Management Platform. Comprehensive and accurate, covering more details than competitors

Scanning Time

Significantly faster across Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.

Noticeably slower across Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.

False Positive Rate

Exceptionally low, ensuring high accuracy and minimal false alarms.

Moderate, better than Qualys and Tenable/Nessus but still higher than SecOps Solution.

Performance on Large-Scale Systems

15x faster, optimized for large-scale environments, ensuring efficient and comprehensive scanning.

Good efficiency in large-scale environments, performing well without significant slowdowns.

In-built Patching

Comprehensive in-built patching for endpoints and servers.

Requires purchasing a third-party patch management solution.

Third Party Softwares

Extensive support for over 1200 third-party software.

Driver Patching

Fully supports driver patching

Offline Patching

Fully supports offline patching, enabling updates without internet connectivity

Automated Policies

Fully Advanced automated custom and predefined policies for seamless patch management.

No native automated policies, reliant on third-party solutions.

Software Deployment and Custom Script Execution

Supports software deployment and custom script execution, enhancing automation and control

Post Patch Machine Status

Validates post-patch machine state using Tiworker, notifies if non-responsive, ensuring reliability

Support for Patch Rollback

Supports patch revert, ensuring rollback capabilities.

No native support for patch revert.

Patch Process Transparency

Real-time status updates for each patch at every stage of the process


Comprehensive and detailed reports, offering summary and in-depth views of all patch jobs

UI Intuitiveness



Learning Curve






Pricing Model

Subscription and Perpetual



Best overall performance, with fast scanning, low false positives, extensive support, and high user-friendliness.

Comprehensive and robust patch management solution with advanced features, seamless integration, and extensive support

Good overall performance, moderate scanning and false positives, but with some usability issues.

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