PM Tools

Agentless Patch Management

Ashwani Paliwal
August 16, 2024

Patch management is a critical aspect of IT security, ensuring that systems remain up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates. Traditional patch management typically involves deploying agents on each device within a network to manage and apply updates. However, agent-based systems come with their own set of challenges, such as resource consumption, compatibility issues, and maintenance overhead. This is where agentless patch management comes into play, offering a streamlined and efficient alternative.

What is Agentless Patch Management?

Agentless patch management refers to the process of managing and applying patches to devices within a network without the need to install dedicated software agents on each device. Instead, it relies on existing network protocols and management tools to scan for vulnerabilities and deploy patches. This method eliminates the need for additional software on each device, reducing the overall management complexity and resource usage.

How Does Agentless Patch Management Work?

Agentless patch management operates by leveraging existing network protocols like SSH (Secure Shell) for Unix/Linux systems and WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) for Windows systems. These protocols allow the management system to remotely access devices, scan for missing patches, and apply updates without needing to install a patch management agent.

The process typically involves:

  1. Discovery: The management tool scans the network to discover all connected devices.
  2. Assessment: It checks each device for installed patches and identifies any missing or outdated ones.
  3. Deployment: The tool remotely applies the necessary patches to each device.
  4. Verification: After deployment, it verifies that the patches have been successfully applied.

Benefits of Agentless Patch Management

  1. Reduced Resource Consumption: Without the need for agents, there is less strain on system resources, leading to better overall performance.
  2. Simplified Management: IT teams can manage patches across a wide range of devices without the hassle of deploying and maintaining agents.
  3. Faster Deployment: Since there are no agents to install or configure, patches can be deployed more quickly across the network.
  4. Improved Compatibility: Agentless systems are generally more compatible with a wider range of devices and operating systems, as they don’t rely on specific agent software.

Introducing SecOps Solution's Agentless Patch Management

SecOps Solution is at the forefront of providing innovative patch management solutions, including agentless patch management. Their approach is designed to simplify the patching process while ensuring that all devices within a network remain secure and up-to-date.

How SecOps Solution's Agentless Patch Management Works

SecOps Solution’s agentless patch management utilizes advanced network scanning and remote management capabilities to identify vulnerabilities and deploy patches across a diverse range of devices. By leveraging existing network protocols, SecOps Solution ensures that their patch management system is both efficient and minimally invasive, avoiding the common pitfalls of traditional agent-based systems.

Key Features of SecOps Solution's Agentless Patch Management:

  • Supports a wide range of operating systems and devices, ensuring that no system is left vulnerable.
  • SecOps Solution provides the status of every individual patch at every stage of the patch process so that the user can monitor the process
  • Provides a feature to create custom patch policies as well as gives a few predefined policies for keeping the systems secure
  • It offers pre-validated and revertible patches, ensuring one-click deployment and minimal disruption to operations.
  • Easily scales to accommodate networks of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Why Choose SecOps Solution?

SecOps Solution stands out in the industry for its commitment to delivering reliable and efficient patch management services. Their agentless patch management solution is designed to meet the needs of modern IT environments, offering a secure, scalable, and resource-efficient alternative to traditional patch management methods.

For organizations looking to enhance their IT security without the added complexity of agent-based systems, SecOps Solution’s agentless patch management is an excellent choice. To learn more about how SecOps Solution can help you streamline your patch management process, check out their patch management page.


As IT environments continue to grow in complexity, the need for efficient and effective patch management becomes ever more critical. Agentless patch management offers a streamlined and resource-efficient approach to keeping systems secure and up-to-date. With solutions like those offered by SecOps Solution, organizations can enjoy the benefits of simplified patch management while ensuring robust security across their networks.

SecOps Solution is a Full-stack Patch and Vulnerability Management Platform that helps organizations identify, prioritize, and remediate security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in seconds.

To learn more, get in touch.

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