Config Management

New Feature: Universal Script Execution Policy: Enhancing Configuration Management with SecOps Solution

Ashwani Paliwal
September 6, 2024

In today's complex IT environments, managing and securing assets goes beyond merely applying patches. While security patches are crucial for addressing vulnerabilities, they do not always cover every aspect of asset security. For instance, ensuring that specific ports are closed or configurations are set correctly often requires custom solutions. This is where the Universal Script Execution Policy offered by SecOps Solution comes into play.

What is the Universal Script Execution Policy?

The Universal Script Execution Policy is a feature of SecOps Solution designed to help organizations manage configuration changes across their assets. Unlike traditional patch management, which focuses on applying vendor-released patches, this policy allows for the execution of custom scripts to modify configurations and enforce security policies.

Why is Configuration Management Important?

Patches are essential for fixing vulnerabilities in software and systems, but they do not always address configuration issues. For example, a security patch might address a known vulnerability in a service, but it won’t close unused ports or modify settings that could expose your system to risks. Configuration changes, such as closing SMB ports or adjusting security settings, are crucial for comprehensive security.

How Does It Work?

  1. Asset Selection: The first step is to select the asset or assets you want to target with the script. This could be a single server, a group of servers, or any other networked device within your organization.
  2. Script Creation: You write a basic script tailored to your needs. This script could be designed to perform various tasks, such as closing specific ports or modifying configuration files. The flexibility of the Universal Script Execution Policy allows you to customize scripts to fit your unique requirements.
  3. Script Validation: Before executing any script, it is important to ensure it will perform as expected. SecOps Solution provides two types of scripts:
    • Compliance Verification Script: This script is used to validate the scenario and ensure that your changes will achieve the desired results without causing any unintended issues.
    • Action Execution Script: Once you have validated the compliance of your script, you can use the Action Execution Script to apply the configuration changes.
  4. Execution: After validation, you can proceed to execute the Action Execution Script on the selected assets. This process will apply the configuration changes as specified in your script.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Security: By allowing custom configuration changes, the Universal Script Execution Policy helps close gaps that patches alone cannot address.
  • Flexibility: You can tailor scripts to meet specific security needs and adjust configurations based on your organization’s requirements.
  • Validation and Safety: The two-step script process ensures that changes are thoroughly tested before being applied, reducing the risk of errors.


The Universal Script Execution Policy by SecOps Solution is a powerful tool for managing configuration changes across your IT assets. While patches are vital for addressing known vulnerabilities, configuration management is equally important for ensuring comprehensive security. With the ability to write and execute custom scripts, organizations can address specific security needs and maintain a robust security posture.

For more information on how SecOps Solution can help with your configuration management needs, contact us to learn how our solutions can be tailored to fit your organization's unique requirements.

SecOps Solution is a Full-stack Patch and Vulnerability Management Platform that helps organizations identify, prioritize, and remediate security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in seconds.

To learn more, get in touch.

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