Vulnerability Management vs Vulnerability Assessment

Pallavi Vishwakarma
July 3, 2023

In today’s increasingly complex IT landscape, we are exposed to an essentially unlimited number of cybersecurity terms and tactics when it comes to safeguarding your company's important data assets. Performing vulnerability assessment and putting in place a vulnerability management program can help your firm effectively address cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Therefore, we have explicitly outlined the key distinctions between vulnerability assessments and vulnerability management in order to ensure that your business can concentrate on the most efficient strategies when it comes to dealing with vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment

An examination of the network and IT infrastructure for security flaws and vulnerabilities is known as a vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessments can be carried out manually or automatically using the software. They often include checking things like installed software, open ports, and system setup settings. Once potential vulnerabilities have been identified, it is important to confirm that they can be exploited.

In order to find threats and faults in an organization's IT infrastructure that could represent possible vulnerabilities or risk exposures, vulnerability assessments frequently make use of tools like vulnerability scanners.

The various kinds of Vulnerability assessments are:

  • Network assessments
  • Web application assessments
  • Software code assessments. 
  • Host Assessment
  • Application Assessment

Your company's cybersecurity plan should include regular vulnerability assessments, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing due to the dynamic nature of the risk environment.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process to identify, prioritize and remediate the security vulnerabilities present in software or a system. It helps to improve the overall cybersecurity posture of the organization.

A best practice to safeguard your business and its sensitive corporate data is vulnerability management. As a result, putting in place a thorough vulnerability management approach serves as the foundation for a powerful program that can help you improve the cybersecurity of your company.

In order to ensure that you are aware of exactly where your weaknesses are and what you are doing to address them, vulnerability management must be an ongoing process that includes vulnerability scanning to evaluate vulnerabilities on a regular basis.

Steps for Vulnerability management:

  • Asset inventory
  • Information management
  • Risk assessment
  • Vulnerability assessment

a. Asset inventory:

An asset inventory exercise is one of the initial steps in a vulnerability management program. Asset management should be handled by a single authority that uses reliable network maps, conducts pertinent discovery scans across all Local Area Networks (LANs), regularly analyses the asset inventory, and manages change management for newly acquired or decommissioned assets. A centralized asset inventory function can improve an organization's security posture by providing clarity regarding its asset inventory.

b. Information management:

The second crucial phase in vulnerability management is information management, which comes after a company has recognized all of its assets and is maintaining them periodically.

You must create a specialized computer security incident response team (CSIRT), if you want to ensure that your vulnerability management program is implemented successfully. This group disseminates security alerts, organizes frequent conference calls with stakeholders to discuss harmful activities, and releases security advisories. Additionally, your team needs to develop clear incident response policies that all of your workers can follow.

c. Risk Assessment:

Understanding the numerous risks to your IT systems, assessing the level of risk to which these systems are exposed, and suggesting the proper level of security all depend on risk assessments. Organizations can undertake a formal risk review with the assistance of a thorough risk assessment, and asset owners can approve of acceptable risk levels.

d. Vulnerability Assessment:

An essential component of a vulnerability management strategy, vulnerability assessment is an important aspect of your IT security. A vulnerability assessment has many advantages, including identifying the most important information assets in your company, identifying the weaknesses that jeopardize their security, recommending ways to improve your security posture, and assisting in risk mitigation. These advantages allow you to concentrate your IT resources more efficiently.


A vulnerability assessment is an essential component of vulnerability management that enables businesses to safeguard their computer systems and data from hacker attacks and unauthorized access. The goal of vulnerability management is to manage a company's cybersecurity vulnerabilities over the long term, in contrast to vulnerability assessments, which have a set beginning and ending date.

Both vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management are important for businesses because they both assist identify and mitigate risks.

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