SecOps Solution has worked together with knowledgeable information security experts and dedicated leaders who generously contributed their expertise and time. As a result, we have created and made available a collection of security policy templates for your convenience.
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Email Retention Policy
The Email Retention Policy is intended to help employees determine what information sent or received by email should be retained and for how long. The information covered in these guidelines includes, but is not limited to, information that is either stored or shared via electronic mail or instant messaging technologies.
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Employee Internet Use Monitoring and Filtering Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define standards for systems that monitor and limit web use from any host within organization's network. These standards are designed to ensure employees use the Internet in a safe and responsible manner, and ensure that employee web use can be monitored or researched during an incident.
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Inadequate encryption key management can result in compromise and exposure of the private keys used to protect sensitive data, which compromises the data itself. Users could be aware of the need to encrypt some documents and electronic conversations, but they might not be aware of the minimal security requirements for encryption keys.
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The purpose of this policy is to establish a culture of openness, trust and to emphasize the employee’s and consumer’s expectation to be treated to fair business practices. This policy will serve to guide business behavior to ensure ethical conduct.
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This document describes the policy under which third party organizations connect to organization networks for the purpose of transacting business related to organization.
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In order to generate proper audit logs and interface with an enterprise's log management function, this document's goal is to specify particular standards that information systems must meet.
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